An IEP Binder used to be part of my everyday life. In a former life, I was a special education teacher. I actually started my first blog, Bed Rested Teacher, when I was on bed rest (hence the name). It’s when I got the blogging bug. Once I decided to stay home, I realized that maintaining …
Habit & Mood Trackers
Looking for babysitter forms for your Friday night date? Need daycare forms for your newborn that’s about to start daycare? Or looking to track information about your baby in the hospital when they’re born? Or just want to have an easy-to-find document with all of your child’s important information? Keeping track of all of your …
One of my favorite things to track in my planner is books. Now, in the last year, I have not been the best at finding time to read. If I find some quiet time, I am generally reading about blogging rather than for pleasure. But, when life quiets down a bit, I love the chance …