When I was a teacher, sight words chants and cheers was my favorite part of the school day. Students sit so much so any chance we can get them up and moving I am a happy teacher!
This reading activity does just that. You can start each reading class with a movement break by using sight word and spelling chants and cheers.
What Age Can Sight Word & Spelling Chants and Cheers Be Used?
All Elementary Grade levels!
In the younger grades, we use Cheers with Sight Words. Some of our older grades use this with Spelling Words.
Can this Sight Word & Spelling Activity Be Done at Home?
I sent this activity home with students at the beginning of each school year. It is an easy activity that parents can do with their children at home.
Not only does it get them practicing their sight and spelling words, but it gets them up and moving.

Sight Word Chants and Cheers Directions
In this activity, students use a variety of methods to “chant and cheer” the spelling of their words. Using a word wall or a poster with the weekly spelling words, students stand up and “cheer” the words in a unique fashion.
They could be pretending to throw a baseball or catching a wave. The students spell the word aloud providing an action with each letter.
Don’t worry, I have included 18 different types of cheers with an explanation for each. BUT, if you’re creative (or your students are), you can make up endless types of chants and cheers.
Sight Word Chants and Cheers Example
For example, let’s practice the word “there.”
Using the baseball method, students would complete the following actions paired with the spelling of the word. Students always start and end by cheering the entire word aloud
Cheer: There
Cheer: T (pretend to throw the ball with your right hand)
Cheer: H (pretend to throw the ball with your left hand)
Cheer: E (pretend to throw the ball with your right hand)
Cheer: R (pretend to throw the ball with your left hand)
Cheer: E (pretend to throw the ball with your right hand)
Cheer: There (pretend to swing a baseball bat)
Then they would move onto the next sight or spelling word with the baseball cheer. After we have practiced several of the words from our list, we select a new method for cheering the word. Then we would cheer the words again. In some classes, they use all of the words on the word wall. In other classes, the teachers only cheer the new words for the week (which they place in pocket charts or on the Whiteboard).
At first, you may feel silly doing these cheers with your students. I promise that you will quickly learn to tolerate love them. They are an educational movement break. In addition, they can become part of your every day reading routine. I don’t know about you – but I love routines. Let me know what cheers you and your students come up with. I know the other teachers reading this would also love to hear some new cheer ideas!
Tips for Using the Sight Word Chants and Cheers Files
I have provided you with the basic starter kit for Cheers. They only needed to be printed once. They should be laminated for the longevity of use.
The first four files can be printed, e-mailed, or uploaded to a class site for parents. If you are a parent, grandparent, daycare provider, etc. these are great to use at home, too!
Sight Word & Spelling Chants and Cheers Free Files
I have to admit, because this is an older file, some of the font and clip art choices aren’t the best. BUT, the idea is there. It can easily be updated and modified.
Cheer Directions and Descriptions for 18 various cheers
Printable Cheer Cards (cut and draw out of a bag or hat to randomly select a cheer)
Printable Cheer Spinner with 12 cheer options
Printable Blank Cheer Spinner (fill in your own cheers)
Cheer Spinner Interactive Whiteboard File (not sure if this will still work as it was last updated in 2012)