Welcome to Mom Envy!
What is Mom Envy all about?
While here, you will find all-things Mom – printables, crafts, planners, free printables, home decor, DIY projects, and more. Whether you stay home, work in or out of the house, have one child or ten (or just furbabies), if you’re a Mom, you’re in the right place.
Inspired by other amazing Moms, I share not only my own projects but also round-ups and ideas from other Moms. I feel in the Mom community, it’s important to support each other. Which is how I got my name. When I love something another Mom has created so much, I can’t wait to share it with other people. I get total mom envy.
Mom Envy is a judgment-free environment (I don’t care if you breastfeed or bottle-feed, co-sleep or use a crib, watch TV or don’t; you know what’s best for your family. We don’t debate that here).
Who is Laura
Now for a little about me. I am a former special education teacher turned stay-at-home Mom. At home, I have two young boys (4 & 6), a hairless dog, and a hilarious husband. I have a love for all things pink, farmhouse decor, browsing Pinterest, HGTV, and Hallmark Christmas movies. My laptop and planner are my lifelines and I am always jotting notes in a notebook (I seriously have piles of notebooks full of half-completed to-do lists and ideas).
My goal as a Mom is to make my children’s lives a little more magical (especially around holidays). Despite my love of planning outrageous kid parties and holiday-themed breakfasts, most days you’ll find me in yoga pants, make-up free, and sporting a ponytail. I spend my time trying to keep my kids from hurting themselves while they rough-house and play.
Thanks for stopping by. Send me a note if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to say hello!
Sarah A
Wednesday 23rd of July 2014
Love the blog! I found you at Whatever Wednesday!
Laura Burton
Wednesday 23rd of July 2014
Thanks so much Sarah!