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Simple Behavior Charts

As a special education teacher, I am
often asked to help create behavior charts for students. I find often times
that behavior charts are complicated and too confusing for students to
understand. They also make it difficult for the classroom teacher to keep up with.
Over the years of creating charts, I have come to realize simple is best. This
chart is meant for students at the Elementary level or students with disabilities
that are older (but I would suggest a more age-appropriate theme).
1.    Select a
After observations and discussions
with those that work with the students, decide on one goal. When creating a
behavior chart we want to select multiple goals. In my experience, selecting
one goal for a student to work on is best. Goals could include: raising your
hand, staying on-task, staying in your seat, keeping hands to yourself, etc.
Goals should be written in the positive. You want to tell the student the behavior
you want to see – not the behavior you don’t want to see. The child will
either meet the goal or not meet the goal for each subject. There is no sort of
met the goal. This becomes too subjective. I also give the student a warning
before they don’t earn the point (depending on the goal, if the goal is to keep
hands to self, te student does not get a warning).
2.   Download a Chart/Select a Chart
Select a chart that uses a theme motivating to the student. Talk
to the student and find out their interests. I have provided chart with the following
themes: smiley faces, the Avengers, Transformers, and Disney Princesses. The
clip art can easily be replaced by a theme of your choice. Simply use Google
images or Microsoft Clip art to search for an image that interests your
 Fill in a Student’s Schedule
Fill in the student’s schedule. You may need to delete a row to
meet your needs. Please do not include lunch unless there will be an adult to
tell you how the student behaved. I suggest each major subject: math, reading,
writing, etc.
4.   Decide the Number of Points Required
to get a Reward
No student can be perfect all day. In addition, start out easier and
then get harder. I always start out with the student needing 6/9 or 5/8
subjects to earn a reward. I let them know that after two weeks, they will be
required to get 7/9 or 6/8. I let them know after some time (depending on the
student); they will be required to get 8/9 or 7/8 to earn their reward. When
you have early dismissal days, don’t forget to adjust the amount of points
needed to earn a reward.
5.   Pick the Reward/Schedule of
Talk to your student about the rewards they can earn. Give them
choices. You can have daily awards or weekly rewards. This is a personal
choice. I know some teachers who give a small reward each day but then work
toward a bigger reward weekly. Others teachers only give a weekly reward or a
daily reward (not both). I would suggest if you do a weekly reward that a
student is required to have 4/5 days of earning their daily points to get the
weekly reward. We all have bad days – so having 5/5 days shouldn’t be expected.
See the reward suggestions for ideas.
6.   Educate All Adults on How to use
the Chart (Including Parents)
Consistency is the key to success. All adults should understand what
the student needs to earn his/her points for a class. Decide on a number of
warnings a child gets before they don’t earn their point. Never ask other
students to help decide if a student should earn their points. The reward chart
should be kept private. This is not something other students should ever be
involved in. Let the parents know of your plan to implement the chart. They can
help you out at home by providing an additional reward for positive behavior.
7.   Provide the student with Positive
Reinforcement All Day
Along with the behavior chart, the student requires constant
positive reinforcement. Celebrate when the student is successful even if it’s
just for one hour of the school day. The more positive reinforcement, the
more the student is likely to repeat the positive behavior.
Tips for the
Make sure that you have the charts printed and ready to go for
each week. This is something you can have a parent volunteer copy and cut. Keep
the charts in a location known to the student. I suggest a folder in a location
they can access. Make it the student’s responsibility to get their chart each
day. This way they will still get the chart on days you are absent. They may
need assistance with filling in the date at the younger grades.
Have parents sign the chart and return it. This way you know the
parent has seen the chart.

To Download

Click the links below to download the files. After the file
opens, go to File, Download (or CTRL + S).
Files to Download
Smiley Face Chart
Disney Princess Chart
Avengers Chart
Transformers Chart
Smiley Certificate
Disney Princess Certificate
Avengers Certificate
Transformers Certificate
List of Reward Suggestions