An IEP Binder used to be part of my everyday life. In a former life, I was a special education teacher. I actually started my first blog, Bed Rested Teacher, when I was on bed rest (hence the name). It’s when I got the blogging bug. Once I decided to stay home, I realized that maintaining …
There are so many ideas to make back to school fun and exciting. Starting school for some kids is fun enough on its own but for others, it’s a little scary and overwhelming. That’s why adding a little extra fun is a great way to ease some of a child’s nerves about returning to school. …
Looking for babysitter forms for your Friday night date? Need daycare forms for your newborn that’s about to start daycare? Or looking to track information about your baby in the hospital when they’re born? Or just want to have an easy-to-find document with all of your child’s important information? Keeping track of all of your …
Here’s the thing. As hard as it is to admit to a parenting mistake, I’m going to tell you that for the first two and a half years of Carl’s life, I made a pretty big error. Yep, I said it out loud for all of you to hear (here come the Mommy Shaming trolls …