Lunch notes for kids have been around since I was a little girl. My Mom used to order them through her Current catalog and man did they make my day. I remember the feeling of excitement when I opened my lunchbox to find a cute little Suzy Zoo character lunch note. To some of you, …
Parenting Hacks
As your baby gets older, you realize you have got their needs down, but do you know all of the toddler must haves? Going from babyhood to toddlerhood is like a whole new world. Gone are the days of only needing your boob or a bottle with formula and a few diapers/wipes. Toddlers have …
There are so many ideas to make back to school fun and exciting. Starting school for some kids is fun enough on its own but for others, it’s a little scary and overwhelming. That’s why adding a little extra fun is a great way to ease some of a child’s nerves about returning to school. …
It’s that time again in your house. It’s your kid’s birthday, Christmas, or a random visit from the Grandparents. You know what’s coming. Another toy. Now, it’s not that we don’t all love and appreciate our children receiving gifts. It’s extremely generous and thoughtful when we receive any sort of gift. But, our house is …
Well, I knew we were going to be here soon. It just seemed to happen so fast this time around. This summer, we are starting our potty training adventure with our youngest son, Jack. He wants nothing more than to be just like his big brother which means he wants out of diapers. We headed …
I despise stinky Sippy cups. Carl started to use a Sippy cup for water at about 8 months. Cleaning the cup just took some soap and water. But then, we introduced milk. Dirty Sippy cups soon became my enemy. I couldn’t believe the smell milk created in a Sippy cup. I told my husband that …