A few years ago in the Spring of 2016, I was coming home from a birthday party for my friend’s daughter. During that time, I had become frustrated with our fixer-upper house. On our drive home, I saw a sign that felt like, well, a sign. It was for a new neighborhood going in near my …
There are so many ideas to make back to school fun and exciting. Starting school for some kids is fun enough on its own but for others, it’s a little scary and overwhelming. That’s why adding a little extra fun is a great way to ease some of a child’s nerves about returning to school. …
I am sure most of you have heard the expression, it takes a village to raise a child. Sitting underfoot of my mom and her friends, I would often hear this saying. It was easy for me to understand because my Mom had a tribe. While her and my dad were our primary caregivers, they …
Welcome to Mom Envy! Welcome back to my Hand Me Down Mom Genes readers and hello new readers. I know it’s been a while (okay a long while), since I last posted on HMDMG. Turns out having two kids is a lot more time-consuming than one. A lot has happened since I last blogged. One …
Today You’ve probably noticed, my posts and interactions have been low the past 2 weeks. For the first week, my husband and I were away on an Alaskan cruise (noticed I didn’t mention Carl – I bawled cried just a little at the airport). And then this week, I have been trying to get our …