Slime, slime, slime – for kids it’s all about making slime right now (and who has the best slime recipe). Slime is one of those trends in the past couple of years that I can totally get on board with. Plus, it keeps kids from saying, “I’m Bored.” I love getting my boys to be …
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Is the special man in your children’s life a baseball fan? Then these free customizable interview baseball cards are perfect for you. My husband loves baseball (Let’s go O’s!) and one of my oldest son’s favorite activities is to go to games with him. I love to have the boys make something special for my …
I am sure most of you have heard the expression, it takes a village to raise a child. Sitting underfoot of my mom and her friends, I would often hear this saying. It was easy for me to understand because my Mom had a tribe. While her and my dad were our primary caregivers, they …
Welcome to Mom Envy! Welcome back to my Hand Me Down Mom Genes readers and hello new readers. I know it’s been a while (okay a long while), since I last posted on HMDMG. Turns out having two kids is a lot more time-consuming than one. A lot has happened since I last blogged. One …
Today I am sharing one of my husband’s favorite desserts, Peanut Butter Explosion Ice Cream Cake. I started to make ice cream cakes a few years ago out of necessity because my husband is really not a cake person (I know, he’s crazy). And in our house, peanut butter and ice cream go together even …
Today I am sharing with you some amazing ideas that I have total mom envy over. I love family traditions. I mean love. Growing up, we had so many traditions that made our birthdays and holidays so much more fun. I knew that once I had children, creating traditions would be important (and exciting!) I …