Now that Spring is finally here, I can’t wait to get outside with my guys and partake in some Spring activities. There is always so much hype around fall and winter activities, I feel like Spring is often forgotten.
I have come up with 40 different activities that are perfect for making family memories this Spring. Let me know how you celebrate Spring so I can add them to my list!
Free for you today is a printable poster and activity cards. When your kid is bored this weekend, you can have them pick out an activity to complete (if you’re watching Netflix busy, only give them the cards that they can complete independently).
In addition to my ideas, there is a blank page for you to add your own items. Enjoy!
Spring Bucket List Cards
Below is an example of the spring bucket list cards. Each item on the bucket list is on one frog card. Print the cards, cut them out, throw out any you don’t want to do (just being real – not everyone wants to go catch frogs), and place them in a giant jar. Then when your kids are complaining their bored one day this spring, grab a card for instant inspiration.
Spring Bucket List – Making Memories
- Take a walk
- Catch frogs (so this may not actually be on my personal list, but I have a feeling it will be on Carl’s one day)
- Visit a park (play on the jungle gym, swing, walk the trails)
- Visit an amusement park (the ones in our area open in April!)
- Fly a kite
- Visit a zoo (we’re getting an annual membership to ours. I can’t wait!
- Search for 4-leaf clovers (I still don’t think I have ever found one. I had a friend growing up that could seriously find one in under a minute. every. single. time.)
- Plant a vegetable or herb garden (my father-in-law has an amazing vegetable garden – we benefit from it greatly)
- Plant flowers
- Dance in the rain (my twin sister and I loved to play in the rain growing up. Our favorite game was putting our barbies on boats in the gutter river and catching them before they went down the drain waterfall.)
- Buy a butterfly habitat kit and watch butterflies grow
- Play in a creek (boat races, skip rocks, wade in the water,
etc.) - Go on a hike
- Go to local school and college musicals and plays (our area has a lot of these. The talent is amazing).
- Spring cleaning (make it fun! Add some music and dancing)
- Go on a picnic
- Go for a bike ride
- Pick berries at a local farm
- Blow bubbles outside (or inside if it’s raining!)
- Play a round (or 2) of mini-golf
- Go to a drive-in. If you don’t have one, create your own in
your backyard! (We’re lucky enough to have Bengie’s here in Maryland) - Bake a dessert and deliver it to your neighbors just because
- Go shopping at flea markets and auctions
- Sidewalk chalk (there’s a lot of interesting recipes for sidewalk paint on Pinterest)
- Enjoy a carnival
- Browse a farmer’s market
- Lay on a blanket and stare at the clouds
- Wash cars
- Visit a nearby pond and feed the ducks
- Play hopscotch
- Climb trees
- Ride Go-Karts
- Start a softball or pick-up soccer game (any sport you’d like. Kickball was a favorite of ours as kids)
- Rollerblade or skate
- Get ice cream or Italian ice
- Go to a baseball game (my husband’s favorite! We have season tickets to the Orioles)
- Go fishing (we used to love fishing with our Dad growing up but we always made him throw the fish back)
- Play Frisbee
- Grab some blankets and read outside (can’t wait to do this with Carl!)
- Make a bird feeder
Spring Bucket List Download Instructions
- Click on the image below or here.
- Download the desired files.
- Print files or send somewhere to be printed!
- For added strength, print on cardstock.
*This post was originally written for Bed Rested Teacher.