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Free Easter Egg Tickets (free Printable files for Parents & Teachers)

Looking for an alternative egg filler for your Easter egg hunt? Want to add something special to your plastic eggs this year?

Can’t use candy at school but still want to have an egg hunt? Then I’ve got the perfect solution for you: Easter egg tickets!

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What are Easter Tickets?

Some of you have already guessed what they are but I am sure some of you are still confused.

Easter tickets are an alternative to candy or toys inside of plastic Easter eggs used for Easter egg hunts. They are small pieces of paper with a prize instead. The adorable little tickets fit perfectly folded up in a plastic egg.

What Type of Prizes are on the Easter Tickets?

Each ticket has a prize for the child written on it such as:

  • dinner choice
  • movie night
  • homework pass (for teachers)
  • Blank tickets are included!

The best part is that I have included a free PDF Blank set so that you can fill in your own prizes.

Parent Set & Teacher Set Included!

There is a set for parents and teachers. For the teachers, I included an entire sheet of homework pass tickets (in case you want to make sure everyone wins the same prize).

What other non-candy items do you put in your Easter Eggs? What items would you add to the blank tickets? I would love some more ideas so I could put out another set for others to use.

The full-resolution PDF pages are available to download at the bottom of this post. The images below are low-resolution images, so please download them at the end.

Looking for plastic Easter eggs? Check out this inexpensive set from Amazon.

Looking for some more Easter basket ideas? Check out this list of 95 Easter Basket ideas!

Free Easter Egg Tickets – Non-Candy Easter Egg Filler

 Parent Free Easter Egg Tickets, Pages 1 and 2


Teacher Free Easter Egg Tickets

This is a green arrow pointing down with the text Download Below.


