Need a 2023 calendar printable? Look no further. This simple printable calendar for 2023 is basic enough to go with any style planner (or person).
Calendars are so important for tracking important dates like appointments, special events, homework assignments, and more. If being more organized is one of your New Year’s resolutions, using a calendar will definitely help you with remembering your schedule and events.

This style of calendar works for all types of people – professionals, students, Moms, Dads, Grandparents, teachers, and even young kids. Their design is simple enough to work with so many different styles.
I am not sure about you but my children no longer receive a printed school calendar. So if you are looking for free printable calendars to replace the one you used to get, grab one of the printable calendar templates we have for free here at Mom Envy.
Each calendar design that we offer is different. You can pick the blank calendar that you like best and print the planner pages to create your own personal planner, or teacher planner, create a desktop calendar, use it in your home office, on your family’s command center, etc.
What is the Design of the Calendar?
Here is an example of each individual page in the month of January (Monday start). It shows the simple design of this 2023 monthly calendar.

Are the Calendars Dated?
Yes! The calendars are dated for 2023. Check back to my site at a later time for next year’s calendar. Here is a link to the same design from the previous year (2022).
How Many Pages Does Each Month Span Across?
There are two pages for each month in portrait orientation.
These calendars are designed to fit into a planner with two-facing pages. Or, you could use them as a wall calendar (put up each page of the month next to each other).
If you need a calendar on a single page they will be on my site soon.
What Paper Size are the Monthly Calendars?
They come in both letter size (which works in a Big Happy Planner) and Classic Happy Planner size.
Are the Monthly Calendar Templates Sunday Start or Monday Start?
Both! You can print either the Sunday or Monday start depending on your preference.
What File Types are Included?
The free calendars are available as a PDF file and as individual jpeg files.
You could import the PDF file into a digital planner program but the file will not be interactive as it was not designed specifically for a digital planner.
Can you Use this 2023 Calendar Printable as a Teacher?
Of course. You can use them to help create a teacher planner. You can have them aid as a lesson planner, track meetings, track student birthdays, assemblies, school-wide events, your own events, and anything else that may occur during the school year.
Does this Calendar Style Include Holidays?
No. This calendar does not include holidays. If you want to have the United States federal holidays on your calendar, you’ll need to download our seasonal style calendar (when it becomes available).
Is this a Custom Calendar that you can Edit?
Unfortunately, no. These are not editable calendars.
Want More Free Printables?
Once you join the Mom Envy club, you can access to hundreds of free printables. Click here to check out more planner printables or here to check out all of the free printables available.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I am also an affiliate for xTool, the HP ink program, ShareaSale, Awin, and CJ Networks. Click here to read more.

- Simply click the “Click me to Download” image below to get to the paged where the file is located. You’ll need the members-only password to download the file (subscribe here).
- My favorite paper for planner pages and inserts is this paper.
- For stickers, print on repositionable sticker paper or standard sticker paper
- I know, ink can get expensive, so invest the HP Ink Program! You can save SO much money. Click here to learn more and use my referral and earn 1 free month! Not sure if it’s the right program for you? Click here to see if the HP Ink Program is worth it.
- What to try out digital planning? My favorite digital planning app is GoodNotes.
Have a differently sized planner or a traveler’s notebook? No worries! You can print the letter size calendar for any size planner. You can read the full directions on how to resize planner printables here (including videos).
Tips for Downloading the Free Files
Below is an arrow that says Download Below. Underneath that is a large image that says Click to Download the free files.
Once you click that, you will enter the members-only password and click submit.
The page will reload the same image and now when you click the image that says Click to Download the free files, it will open the Google Drive folder containing the free files.
How do you get a members-only password?
You can sign up here to be a free Mom Envy club member.
The password will be sent to you within a few minutes. Make sure to check your spam and/or junk folder if you don’t see it.
Already a member but forgot the password? Don’t sign up again. Look at the end of any newsletter from me for the free password or just send me an e-mail here: [email protected]

Copyright MOM ENVY 2022. Files may be used for personal use only. No commercial use of the file is available. Files may not be directly shared within Facebook groups, on websites, or in any other way. If using for educational purposes, the file may be printed and copied for classroom use. A link to the web page to download the files may be shared as well as one photo. The file may not be printed and then sold (including local yard sale sites and groups or at local craft fairs). The images may not be used in any way other than to share with a link to the original web page.

Friday 9th of September 2022
Thank you! I love the simplicity.