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The Best Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids – Including Free Thanksgiving Joke Lunch Notes

If you are looking for the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids, then you’ll want to check out this list. We’ve got funny Thanksgiving jokes that are kid appropriate. Even though these are written for kids, the whole family will enjoy them.

We’ve got funny jokes about turkeys, food, pumpkins, pilgrim jokes, and more.

This image shows a family sitting around a Thanksgiving dinner table laughing.

If you like Thanksgiving puns and Dad jokes, you’ll love these. They’re the best way to break the ice at a Thanksgiving table – Thanksgiving dinners can get so long and boring. Use these jokes at the dinner table when things get a little too quiet or boring.

Your little pumpkins and other family members will thank you for the comic relief. You’re sure to have a great Thanksgiving dinner if you bring these jokes out.

This image shows one of the 16 free Thanksgiving lunch joke notes you get for free at the end of this blog post. In addition, you get a list of a total of 45 of the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids. In the image the note is sitting on a table above the child’s lunchbox.

Free Printable Thanksgiving Joke Lunch Notes

And, in case you wanted to give your kids the jokes, I have included a set of 16 free printable Thanksgiving joke lunch notes. They’re a great way to bring a little cheer to the middle of your child’s school day.

Here are what the adorable Thanksgiving joke lunch notes look like. Each joke has matching clip art to enhance the quality of the joke card.

This image shows one of the two pages of 16 free Thanksgiving lunch joke notes you get for free at the end of this blog post. In addition, you get a list of a total of 45 of the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids.
This image shows one of the two pages of 16 free Thanksgiving lunch joke notes you get for free at the end of this blog post. In addition, you get a list of a total of 45 of the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids.

I’ll share more about the free printable Thanksgiving lunch notes after the list of jokes. So head to the bottom to find out more and grab your free download. Now, let’s get to the best part – the list of the best Thanksgiving jokes!

The Best Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

Question 1: What instrument does a turkey play?

Answer 1: Drums because he has his own drumsticks!

Question 2: What do you call a turkey that runs?

Answer 2: Fast food.

Question 3: Why did the turkey cross the road?

Answer 3: He wanted people to think he was a chicken.

Question 4: Why didn’t the turkey eat dinner?

Answer 4: Because he was already stuffed.

Question 5: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?

Answer 5: Apple gobbler.

Question 6: What do you wear to Thanksgiving?

Answer 6: A har-vest.

Question 7: What kind of key can’t open doors?

Answer 7: A tur-key.

Question 8: What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter?

Answer 8: Quack, quack.

Question 9: What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to?

Answer 9: Plymouth rock.

Question 10: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

Answer 10: Pilgrims.

Question 11: How does Thanksgiving always end?

Answer 11: With a G.

Question 12: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

Answer 12: The outside.

Question 13: What’s the best smelling thing to bring to Thanksgiving?

Answer 13: Your nose.

Question 14: What did the pumpkin say at the end of Thanksgiving dinner?

Answer 14: Good pie everyone!

Question 15: Why did the police arrest the turkey?

Answer 15: Because he used fowl language.

Question 16: What’s the best thing to put into pumpkin pie?

Answer 16: Your teeth.

Question 17: Why was the turkey put in jail?

Answer 17: Because the police suspected fowl play.

Question 18: Why do pilgrims pants always fall down?

Answer 18: Because they wear their belt buckles on their hats.

Question 19: What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?

Answer 19: The turkey trot.

Question 20: Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State building?

Answer 20: Yes! Because a building can’t jump.

Question 21: What sound does a turkey’s phone make?

Answer 21: Wing wing wing!

Question 22: Why does the turkey always go gobble, gobble?

Answer 22: Because he never learned any good table manners.

Question 23: What sound does a limping turkey make?

Answer 23: Wobble wobble.

Question 24: What is the best song to play on Thanksgiving?

Answer 24: All about that baste.

Question 25: What kind of face does an unhappy pilgrim make on Thanksgiving?

Answer 25: A pilgrimace.

Question 26: What kind of weather does a turkey like?

Answer 26: Fowl weather.

Question 27: If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does poultry come from?

Answer 27: A poul-tree.

Question 28: If pilgrims were alive today, what would they be known for?

Answer 28: Their age.

Question 29: What side dish do you bring for Thanksgiving dinner when you accidentally sat on the sweet potatoes?

Answer 29: Squash casserole.

Question 30: What do turkeys like to do on sunny days?

Answer 30: Have peck-necks.

Question 31: Why didn’t the cook season the Thanksgiving turkey?

Answer 31: There wasn’t any thyme.

Question 32: How did the turkey get home for Thanksgiving?

Answer 32: He took the gravy train.

Question 33: What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?

Answer 33: If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy!

Question 34: Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?

Answer 34: Because it had 24 carrots.

Question 35: What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport?

Answer 35: Squash.

Question 36: What type of glass does a turkey drink out of?

Answer 36: a gobblet.

Question 37: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

Answer 37: pumpkin pi

Question 38: What is frankenstein’s favorite thanksgiving dish?

Answer 38: Monster Mash potatoes and grave-y.

Question 39: What did the baby corn say to Mama corn?

Answer 39: Where’s Pop corn?

Question 40: Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road to school?

Answer 40: A crossing gourd.

Question 41: What role do green beans pay in Thanksgiving?

Answer 41: The casser-role.

Question 42: When is turkey soup bad for your health?

Answer 42: When you are the turkey.

Joke 43:

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Norma Lee.

Norma lee, who?

Norma lee I don’t eat this much.

Joke 44:

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Phillip who?

Phillip a big plate and let’s eat!

Joke 45:

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Arthur who?

Arthur any leftovers?

Free Printable Thanksgiving Joke Lunch Notes

There are no knock knock jokes included in the set of printable jokes. They are all question and response type of jokes. I find that knock-knock jokes don’t have the same impact when read by a single person from a card.

Don’t wait until Thanksgiving day to print out and use these free Thanksgiving lunch notes. These turkey puns and funny turkey jokes can be used all November long.

This image shows five of the 16 free Thanksgiving lunch joke notes you get for free at the end of this blog post. In addition, you get a list of a total of 45 of the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids. In the image the notes are sitting on a table next to a child’s lunchbox.

What file type are the Thanksgiving joke printables?

They are in PDF format.

How Many Separate Lunch Notes are Included?

You’ll get 16 lunch notes across two pages. Do not print the lunch notes front to back or you’ll end up with only 8.

Use in Alternative Ways to Lunch Notes for Kids!

Don’t send in a pack lunch or not a parent? You can use these lunch notes in other ways.

  • Put them out at breakfast in the morning as a cute way to start the day.
  • Print them and cut them out to use like note cards to help you tell the jokes at Thanksgiving.
  • Print them and use them in the lunchbox of your significant other, roommate, parents, siblings, friends, officemate, etc. lunchbox.
  • As a teacher, use them to write little notes to your students.
  • Place one at each seat at Thanksgiving dinner like a place card.
This image shows one of the 16 free Thanksgiving lunch joke notes you get for free at the end of this blog post. In addition, you get a list of a total of 45 of the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids. In the image a girl is holding one of the lunch notes while sitting at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Do You have Any Other Free Lunch Notes?

Yes! I have another set of free jokes for kids lunch notes, Christmas lunch notes, spring joke lunch notes, and more.

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Copyright MOM ENVY 2022. Files may be used for personal use only. No commercial use of the file is available. Files may not be directly shared within Facebook groups, on websites, or in any other way. If using for educational purposes, the file may be printed and copied for classroom use. A link to the web page to download the files may be shared as well as one photo. The file may not be printed and then sold (including local yard sale sites and groups or at local craft fairs). The images may not be used in any way other than to share with a link to the original web page.

This is a green arrow pointing down with the text Download Below.
This is a green arrow pointing down that says: Pin me now & read me later.
At the top it says free printable Thanksgiving joke lunch notes. Below that are the two 16 free Thanksgiving lunch joke notes you get for free at the end of this blog post. In addition, you get a list of a total of 45 of the best Thanksgiving jokes for kids.