Are you in need of some sort of school information sheet? Are you struggling to keep up with school paperwork? Are your counters covered in papers to sign? If you’re always struggling with your child’s school paperwork, it’s time to get organized.
There so much information we need to have at our fingertips as a parent. While phones are great for quick information, they’re not always available to everyone in the family or every visitor. By creating a family binder, you’re putting all of the important resources easily available to those caring for your children (including you).
School Information Sheet
One of the most important pieces in your family binder should be your school information sheet and school printables. How many times have you had to call over to the school only to go searching for the number, the nurse’s name, or the name of the front office secretary that helps you every. single. time. you need something.
Or maybe you’re planning your kid’s birthday party and can’t remember the name of your child’s newest best friend’s parents (and how do you keep the Ashleys straight?) You need to have a system. This school information sheet and school planner set will help you keep track of all of those morning mental notes you forget as soon as your kid spills an entire cup of milk on the floor.
Editable PDF Versions Available!
Don’t like your handwriting? It’s okay! (I don’t like my chicken scratch either). These forms come with a PDF that you can input information in yourself BEFORE you print. Have more than one kid? No problem! You can print these as many times as you’d like.

School Information Sheet and School Planner Inserts

The set includes:
- school information sheet
- school schedule (for middle/high school students)
- classmate contact information sheet (great for teachers, too!)

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I am also an affiliate for the HP ink program and CJ Network. Click here to read more.
Notes on Using the Free School Information Printables
- To download this set of files or any of the files from our family binder, you need to sign up to receive your free members-only password. Click here to sign up.
- They come in Letter size, A5, and Classic Happy Planner. Now, you can print in any other size with this tutorial.
- If you print the letter size, I suggest getting a 1 or 1 1/2 inch binder.
- Colors may vary. Printers print differently depending on many factors.
- Print on cardstock for added durability. (this is my favorite from Amazon)
- I know, ink can get expensive, so invest in an HP printer that has instant ink and you can print until your heart is content! Click here to use my referral and earn 1 free month! Looking to buy a new HP instant ink compatible printer? This one is great.
- If your planner inserts are smaller, use a paper cutter for easier cutting (or this one).
File Usage Information
Please Note, all Files on Mom Envy are for personal use only. Files may not be resold, modified, or used commercially. Sharing the file for free or for money on Facebook groups is prohibited (you can share a picture and link back to the post). Sharing the link, my site’s name, and one picture on a blog post is okay, as long as the entire text of the post and the actual files are not shared. If you are interested in selling them commercially, please contact me directly.

Friday 13th of May 2022
Its been awhile...cant remember my password! Help!!
Monday 16th of May 2022
Hello! Send an email to: [email protected] so I can help! Thanks! - Laura
Friday 19th of November 2021
Seriously, thank you so much for this! I'm new to the IEP world, and its so stressful and confusing. These help a ton! This is my sons first year on an IEP (3rd grade) and so far, all they do is call me and email me for ME to give them ideas and strategies and i'm like ahhhh. These templates are great and will help me begin to track everything.
Monday 22nd of November 2021
Hi Amanda! It is really complicated for sure. I think sometimes educators forget that IEPs & paperwork are not every day life for parents. It can be very overwhelming for sure. While I can understand them wanting your input for things that may work at home, I would definitely put the same question back on them since they're the experts. Wrights Law is a great site for lots of information about IEPs and the process. I wish you the best of luck!
Lamika Wilson
Saturday 31st of August 2019
Thank you 🙏! All templates and cheat sheets help. I am a Special Educator. Can you tell me, “what are good assessments to benchmark students? How often ? And easy accountability sheets To document data?
Sunday 8th of September 2019
Assessments totally depend on the goal for the student. It may be a totally informal assessment (just observation of a child completing a skill within a generalized setting) or it may be a one-on-one assessment (asking questions, pen and paper, etc). I used to try to assess my students informally multiple times throughout the quarter but I did a formal assessment of every goal right before the end of each quarter so that I had very specific data for my students. In addition, I kept a "goal binder" for each student where I would track all of the other informal and formal assessments throughout the quarter. That way I had additional data for each goal. I think one big issue is sometimes we as special educators create too many goals for a student and it becomes overwhelming to keep up with the data. While that doesn't mean the student is learning less. It just means that the documentation for what they are learning isn't the same (I hope that makes sense!). My binders would have the goal at the top and then a chart underneath that was designed to track that specific goal (not all charts are the same - depends on the goal). It would have a place to put the date, type of assessment (formal/informal), activity/assignment/test name, and outcome (percentage, number correct out of a certain number, etc). Hope this helps!
Thursday 30th of November 2017
ive tried subscribing multiple times now for the password. and still have not recieved anything.
Thursday 30th of November 2017
Hi Victoria, I can see that the program has e-mailed you the password. Check your junk e-mail/spam email. I am going to resend it again. If you don't get it, please send me an email. Thanks, Laura
Special Education Planner Inserts and Family Binder Inserts | Mom Envy
Monday 20th of November 2017
[…] If you’re looking for other school planner inserts for parents, click here. […]