Have you been struggling to find free fauxbonichi printables? Look no further. Here on Mom Envy, I’ll be sharing a series of free printables that will fit perfectly in your fauxbonichi.
Want to print double-sided pages?
If you’re looking to print double-sided pages, use the full-size page lined or dot grid. Print your desired page on one side and print the full-sized page on the other size. Then cut the front page down to size and you’ll be left with lines or dot grid on the back.
Want basic fauxbonichi pages but unsure of the size?
These printables work perfectly as a platform to create your own fauxbonichi pages. Just print the half-sheet lined, dot grid, or plain paper. Then design and plan to your heart’s content!
What is a Fauxbonichi?
Not sure what a fauxbonichi is? Check out my post where I explain this new planner-obsession – what is a fauxbonichi? It’s like a bullet journal and Happy Planner had a baby.
Can I use these in Another Planner?
Of course! Just because these are called fauxbonichi printables, doesn’t mean that’s all they can be used for. You can download these and use them as half-sheets in any Classic HP or medium-sized planner or larger planner. For smaller planners, size the printables down.
Free Fauxbonichi Printables
What’s Included in this Set of Printables?
- blank half-sheet pages
- portrait lined half-sheet pages
- landscape lined half-sheet pages
- dot grid half-sheet pages
- full-size lined page (for printing front to back)
- full-size dot grid page (for printing front to back)
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I am also an affiliate for the HP ink program. Click here to read more.
Directions for using the Fauxbonichi Full Sheet Pages
- Download other pages you’d like to use but would like more than a plain back for the page.
- Download the lined or dot-grid full-size page.
- Print the other page.
- Print the lined or dot-grid full-size page on the reverse side.
- Cut out the page.
Directions for using the Fauxbonichi Half-Sheet Pages
- Download the pages you’d like to use.
- Print the one you’d like.
- For the backs, I suggest three options.
- Print lines or dot grid on the back using the full page basic fauxbonichi pages that are included.
- Print other pages and glue them onto the back, making the pages double-sided.
- Leave blank and decorate as you please.
- Cut the pages out (if gluing, cut out first then glue).
- Punch holes in your pages (I left a margin for holes).
- Insert into your fauxbonichi planner.
- Add text to complete and decorate as desired with stickers, washi tape, doodles, etc.
- Simply click the “Click to Download” image below to get to the paged where the file is located. You’ll need the members-only password to download the file (subscribe here).
- I know, ink can get expensive, so invest in an HP printer that has instant ink and you can print until your heart is content! Click here to use my referral and earn 1 free month! Looking to buy a new HP instant ink compatible printer? This one is great.
Copyright MOM ENVY 2019. Files may be used for personal use only. No commercial use of the file is available. Files may not be directly shared within Facebook groups, on websites, traced in Silhouette or Cricut program, or in any other way. A link to the web page to download the files may be shared as well as one photo. The file may not be printed and/or created using vinyl and then sold (including local yard sale sites and groups or at local craft fairs). The images may not be used in any way other than to share with a link to the original web page.
Friday 29th of December 2023
Thank you. Look forward
Wednesday 15th of May 2019
Thank you for the wonderful goodies :)