Get these Thanksgiving Bingo Cards free printable to help you host a fun Thanksgiving game. Whether you’re a parent or teacher, this free printable Thanksgiving bingo game will work for you.
You get 40 unique game cards which means you can play with up to 40 individual people or you can play with up to 80 if you use partners.
And if you have fewer people, you can still use them. If you have small groups of people, just use less of the cards or let people select more than one card.
No matter how you play this fun Thanksgiving bingo game, it’ll be so much fun. It’s the perfect addition to any day during the holiday season.

How to Play Thanksgiving Bingo
Thanksgiving bingo is similar to standard bingo. Except, the free printable Thanksgiving bingo cards do not have BINGO at the top. Instead, you’re just trying to find the item that is called anywhere on your bingo board.
Your goal remains the same, to get five in a row in any direction. If you prefer, you can play variations on bingo – four corners, outer edge of frame, full house, letter patterns (like T), etc.
The first person to get five in a row should yell bingo! And if they are correct, they win that round. It’s up to you if you start a new round right after or allow up to so many winners before starting a new round.

Does this Bingo Game have a Free Spot?
Yes, every card has a free space in the very middle.
What Comes with the Free Thanksgiving Bingo Printables?
You’ll get 40 different cards that are printed two per page. In addition, you’ll receive calling cards in two different sizes – small and large.
What do the Bingo Cards Look Like?
Here is an example of how the bingo cards come on one full page. You could use a paper cutter to help you cut straight lines when separating the different bingo cards.

Bingo is for All Ages
What I love about this Thanksgiving bingo is that it can be for all ages – little kids, older kids, adults, etc. The whole family can play together.
Because you are not trying to find the item in a specific column, it makes it even easier for younger kids to join in the fun.
If you’re playing with small children, just be careful to make sure whatever you use as a bingo marker isn’t a choking hazard.
Playing Thanksgiving Bingo at Home
Bingo would make a fun Thanksgiving activity on Thanksgiving day. Or, it’d be great for a family game night, fall party, or just a random November afternoon. You could even get small toys or candy for the winners.
It’d be a great way to spend your time while you wait for everyone’s stomachs to settle after Thanksgiving dinner while they’re waiting for dessert.
Or you could play a game of bingo while the turkey cooks – the Thanksgiving meal can take so long to prep and often times many guests are not part of the making of the yummy food. So it’d be a better way to keep your guests busy and out of your kitchen.

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Playing Thanksgiving Bingo at School
As a room parent, we are always looking for a great game to play at our class Thanksgiving party. Bingo is a great option because it engages the entire class at the same time.
If you’re a teacher, Thanksgiving bingo can be used anytime in the month of November. They’re great to have on hand in case you have some downtime or to have as a back up activity for a substitute teacher.
With 40 unique cards, there should be enough for most classes. If your class happens to have over 40 children, you can just partner students up.
What Should I use as Bingo Markers?
If you only want to play one time, you could use traditional bingo markers. But, if you plan to play multiple games, then definitely use something else instead so that the cards aren’t ruined after one game.
Dry erase markers could be used with laminated cards but I still find that they tend to make them not last as long.
The Dollar Store is a great place to get items that you could use to mark the bingo board.
You could use:
- bingo chips
- small candy like: candy corn, pumpkin candy, m&ms, Reese’s pieces (great Thanksgiving colors!), etc.
- dried beans
- game pieces
- coins
- small items such as paper clips, mini erasers, etc.

What Should I Print the Bingo Boards On?
If you play to play the game more than once or for a long period of time, I would suggest to printing the printable cards on white cardstock. They would have the most durability.
In addition, you could laminate the free printable game so that you could use it year after year (this would be great idea for teachers so they’re already prepped and ready each year).
But, if you only plan to play it for one evening, you could definitely print it on regular printer paper.
But Ink Costs So much!
I know that ink can cost a lot. That’s why I suggest printing them on card stock so they last longer or even laminating them.
If you’re struggling with the cost of ink, check out whether or not the HP ink program is worth it for you. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save!
How to Download the Free Thanksgiving Bingo Cards?
You can grab your free download here or you can download them at the end of the blog post – just click the large Click to Download button. You’ll need to use your email address to sign up to become a free Mom Envy club member.
What Type of Files are Included?
The files come in PDF format. They can easily be sent to a print shop if you’re a teacher.
Looking for More Free Printables?
I have over 200 free printables on Mom Envy – including more Thanksgiving printables and other free printable bingo cards (Halloween, New Years, Valentine’s Day). You can see all of my free printables here. When you sign up to download bingo, you’ll get access to all of my free content.

Tips for Downloading the Free Files
Below is an arrow that says Download Below. Underneath that is a large image that says Click to Download the free files.
Once you click that, you will enter the members-only password and click submit.
The page will reload the same image and now when you click the image that says Click to Download the free files, it will open the Google Drive folder containing the free files.
How do you get a members-only password?
You can sign up here to be a free Mom Envy club member.
The password will be sent to you within a few minutes. Make sure to check your spam and/or junk folder if you don’t see it.
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