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Elf on the Shelf Donate Toys Letter

An elf on the shelf donate toys letter is a must-do in our house each holiday season. It’s such an easy Elf on the Shelf set up PLUS it declutters the house.

Even more important, is that it teaches children about the importance of giving back. Children spend so much of the holiday making the perfect list for Santa that it’s nice to give them an opportunity to thinking about giving back to others that are less fortunate.

The added bonus is the decluttering of the toys for sure. I’m not sure about you, but each Christmas it’s hard to fit all of those new toys in the playroom. We’re lucky that our children are so blessed by so many people in their lives but the toys do have to find a place to live somewhere in our house.

This image is for the post Elf on the Shelf Toy Donate Letter - it shows two elves on the shelf with a brown box and a copy of the free printable toy donation letter that is available to download in this blog post.

What’s Included in this free download?

  • 1 PDF toy donation letter from a single elf (using “I”)
  • 1 PDF toy donation letter from multiple elves (using “we”)

What does the Elf on the Shelf Toys Donate Letter Say?

This is a copy of what the Elf on the Shelf toy donation letter says. This is the letter from two elves but there is a second version that uses “I” instead of “we.”

This image is for the post Elf on the Shelf Toy Donate Letter - it shows two elves on the shelf with a brown box and a copy of the free printable toy donation letter that is available to download in this blog post.

Looking for more free Elf on the Shelf printables?

Mom Envy has a lot of free elf on the shelf printables! You can see them here:

This is a green arrow pointing down with the text Download Below.
This large image says CLICK TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE FILES in white on a pink rectangle. This is the image you click to get to the members only page where you can download the free files for this blog post.

This green arrow is pointing down. IT says file usage information. Below it, is the important file usage information.

Copyright MOM ENVY 2021. Files may be used for personal use only. No commercial use of the file is available. Files may not be directly shared within Facebook groups, on websites, or in any other way. A link to the web page to download the files may be shared as well as one photo. The file may not be printed and then sold (including local yard sale sites and groups or at local craft fairs). The images may not be used in any way other than to share with a link to the original web page.

This is a green arrow pointing down that says: Pin me now & read me later.
This image is for the post Elf on the Shelf Toy Donate Letter - it shows two elves on the shelf with a brown box and a copy of the free printable toy donation letter that is available to download in this blog post. It says free printable elf on the shelf donation letter at the top.


Tuesday 3rd of December 2024



Friday 17th of November 2023



Sunday 4th of December 2022

Love this


Friday 2nd of December 2022

Love this! Is there an editable version like the arrival letter?