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Free Elf on the Shelf Printable Notes – Easy Free Elf on the Shelf Set Ups

If you’re here looking at free Elf on the Shelf printable notes, you’re probably feeling a lot like me right now. You’re tired of trying to figure out what to do with that damn elf. 

How many more times can I hang my Elf from a light or hide him in the Christmas tree? Or in a dollhouse or toy car? 

You’re probably begging for the day when your elf (elves) go back to the North Pole because you are completely out of new elf shenanigan ideas.

Free Elf on the Shelf Printable Notes is at the top in black text on a white background. Underneath are multiple red and white elves sitting with various printed notes.

Last Second Elf Ideas

Or maybe, you’re looking for a last-second Elf on the Shelf Idea. One of those mornings where you realized you forgot to move the elf. Ugh. Those are the worst.

You’re quickly grabbing that elf in hopes that you can think of some last-minute idea before your little ones come barreling down the stairs. 

Problem solved!

Simply print these little elf on the shelf notes at the beginning of the season and hide them (somewhere you will remember and can access quickly).

Then when it’s super late at night and your mind is blank or you’re in a rush because you forgot to move the elf…again, you can grab one of these super easy elf on the shelf printable notes!

What’s Included in the Printable Elf on the Shelf Note Pack?

You’ll get one letter-size sheet with the following printable elf notes:

  • 10 Days until Christmas
  • 5 Days until Christmas
  • 3 Days Until Christmas
  • Elf on Strike for a messy room sign
  • Naughty list warning (for bad behavior)
  • Good deed note (get your kid to do a good deed)
  • Read a book to me elf note!
  • Elf on the Shelf Good Behavior/Treat Note (just add a treat or money for a treat) 

How to Use the Elf Note Pack?

It’s SO easy.

  1. Download the file at the end of this post.
  2. Print the single page (or more than one copy if you have more than one elf).
  3. Cut the notes out. They’re super easy, straight cuts. No cutting machine needed for this one.
  4. Use the notes as-is OR attach to them to popsicle sticks, straws, string, etc. to make positioning easier. like to use popsicle sticks because they’re sturdy and easily fit in the elve’s arms.
  5. Done! That’s it – it’s super easy to use these free elf notes! 

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I am also an affiliate for the HP ink program. Click here to read more

Tips and Tricks for Printing the Elf Printables

I know, ink can get expensive, so invest in an HP printer that has instant ink and you can print until your heart is content! It’s one of my favorite things, ever. Click here to use my referral and earn 1 free month! Looking to buy a new HP instant ink compatible printer? This one is great.

Want a Second Set of Easy Elf on the Shelf Notes?

Don’t miss this second set I put out to go with even more easy elf on the shelf ideas.

At the top of the image it says free easy ideas for the elf on the shelf in black text overtop of a white semi-transparent rectangle. Below that is an image of a red elf on the shelf with a note that says Mrs. Claus has a cold. Could you draw her a picture to help her feel better? There are crayons and white paper on a counter next to the elf. The elf is holding a green crayon behind the note.


Examples of the Free Elf on the Shelf Printable Notes

Here are some pictures of the printable elf on the shelf notes in action! The great thing about them is that you can use them for just one elf or put multiple elves together with notes. They’re flexible and easy to use with any type of elf.

Amazing (but a little more intricate) Free Elf on the Shelf Printables

Before we get to the super simple Elf on the Shelf Printables, I don’t want you to miss my more intricate sets. If you’re bored by these free elf on the shelf printable notes, then my other free elf on the shelf printables may be more your style. BUT… they definitely take a little bit more work! 

Christmas Story Elf on a Shelf. Download this free Elf on a Shelf printable Christmas Story set featuring the famous Fragile Leg Lamp scene. #elfonashelf #christmasstory #christmasfreebies
Free Elf on a Shelf Christmas Baking Printable. Free Christmas Cookies printable for The Elf on a Shelf. Print a 3-D oven for your elf, cookie dough, a cookie tray, and free printable Elf-on-a-shelf aprons! #elfonashelf #freeprintables #christmas #freechristmasprintables
25 Free Elf on a Shelf printables. Running out of ideas for your elf this Christmas? Check out these 25 easy, ready to print, and FREE Elf on the Shelf printables. #elfontheshelf #elfonashelf #christmas #elfontheshelfprintables #freebies

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How can you download the files for free?

All you have to do is sign up to become a FREE Mom Envy club member. There is a sign up sheet at the end of this post – once you sign up, you’ll get the files right away!

Are you already a member? Click here to download the files with your members password.


Tuesday 3rd of December 2024

I would love this


Thursday 8th of December 2022

Please send ❤️


Tuesday 29th of November 2022

I am unsure as to how to gain access. It says free printable where are they?

Cara Humphries

Tuesday 7th of December 2021

Love the Elf on the shelf notes!


Saturday 27th of November 2021

Please send