As your baby gets older, you realize you have got their needs down, but do you know all of the toddler must haves? Going from babyhood to toddlerhood is like a whole new world. Gone are the days of only needing your boob or a bottle with formula and a few diapers/wipes. Toddlers have …
One of my favorite things to design is free nursery printables. My Nursery Prints post was one of my most popular ones on Bed Rested Teacher due to its popularity on Pinterest. I wanted to make sure that Pinterest fans and readers could still download the files despite rebranding. When I originally wrote this post …
When I was younger, one of my favorite surprises was getting a lunchbox note from my Mom. She also would leave them other places in the house as well. They were so much fun and made me feel extra special. She used little Suzy Zoo cards from the Current Catalog (anyone else remember them??). Once …
Slime, slime, slime – for kids it’s all about making slime right now (and who has the best slime recipe). Slime is one of those trends in the past couple of years that I can totally get on board with. Plus, it keeps kids from saying, “I’m Bored.” I love getting my boys to be …
One of my favorite things to track in my planner is books. Now, in the last year, I have not been the best at finding time to read. If I find some quiet time, I am generally reading about blogging rather than for pleasure. But, when life quiets down a bit, I love the chance …
It’s that time again in your house. It’s your kid’s birthday, Christmas, or a random visit from the Grandparents. You know what’s coming. Another toy. Now, it’s not that we don’t all love and appreciate our children receiving gifts. It’s extremely generous and thoughtful when we receive any sort of gift. But, our house is …
Here’s the thing. As hard as it is to admit to a parenting mistake, I’m going to tell you that for the first two and a half years of Carl’s life, I made a pretty big error. Yep, I said it out loud for all of you to hear (here come the Mommy Shaming trolls …
Anyone that has spent the day with a toddler knows they’re generally super picky eaters (my kids are no exception). During the baby stages, I was able to puree everything and put it in a pouch (I could kiss whoever created reusable pouches). We introduced our boys to all sorts of foods early and they …
We are really blessed in our house to have the space for a playroom. It’s a first floor master bedroom with a bathroom and small walk-in closet. Since we wanted to be on the same floor as Carl, we opted to stay upstairs. The only problem with our playroom is that it is completely bare …
Carl loves Lambie from DocMcstuffins. I think that I am actually more into the show than he is (I think it’s adorable!) My Mom bought him a Doc McStuffins Flap book and he is obsessed with finding the characters. His favorites are Lambie and Hallie so I was excited to make this snack for him. …