If you’ve been searching for a free printable 2025 calendar that comes with the holidays, look no further. In this post, you can get this free monthly calendar that comes with all of the US federal holidays included and unique designs for each month of the year.
Or, if you prefer not to have the holidays, you can still have the fun seasonal design without the holidays. Or, if you would rather have no clip art but the United States holidays, we’ve got that option, too.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I am also an affiliate for xTool, the HP ink program, ShareaSale, Awin, and CJ Networks. Click here to read more.
The calendar can be used as a place to keep track of all of your important dates, special events, etc. You can use it in a desktop calendar, wall calendar, family planner, teacher planner, office planner, etc.
Yearly calendars have a great variety of uses in addition to just being used as an annual calendar or planner for you to write down all of your important events. Thanks to its adorable calendar design with a different seasonal theme for each of the individual months, it makes it a great free calendar template for a holiday planner.
What Does Each Month of the Free Holiday Calendars Look Like?
Here is what the design looks like for each month from the 12 month calendar. There is a note section on the left side so that you can include an important note, shopping list, etc.

How Do I Get the Free Download of the Calendars?
You can get these free calendars here. Or, you can click the download button at the end of this blog post (it says Click to Download).
You’ll just need the members-only password which you can get by subscribing to my free Mom Envy club by email. You’ll get these calendars plus hundreds of other exclusive freebies.
What is Included in this Free Set of Calendars?
- Holiday calendar with cute clip art
- Holiday calendar with no clip art
- Calendar with cute clip art and no holidays
- Calendar without clip art or holidays (but matching text to the other calendars)
- Sunday Start
- Monday Start
- 2 sizes
Here is an example of the the same month with and without clip art and with and without the holidays.

Why are there Different Options Included?
You get so many options of printable calendar pages because I want people to be able to have a calendar without clip art in case there is a month with art they do not like. In addition, I want people to have the option to have the holidays or not have the holidays.
Essentially, I just love options (which you can probably tell from my site) and I want to make sure I give my readers options, too!
What Holidays are Included?
I’ve included all of the federal and common public holidays for the United States. This includes but is not limited to:
- New Year’s Day
- Lunar New Year
- Valentine’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Easter Sunday
- Mother’s Day
- Father’s Day
- Presidents’ Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- Kwanza
- Chanukah start/end
- …and more!
If you live in another part of the world, you can still get the cute calendars with the fun designs just without the holidays.
What Formats Are Available?
The free printable calendar templates come in the following formats:
- pdf format
- jpg format
- transparent png format (great for digital planners!)
Can I Use these Freebies in a Digital Planner?
Yes! You can use the PDF calendar or the png files in a digital planner. For the digital versions of the calendar, I suggest using transparent PNG files. These can be placed within a digital planner in any digital planning app.
Even though the free files include PDF files, they are not hyperlinked files. Instead, they are printable versions. Since they are not an interactive version, there are no clickable links.
You could use one of my free digital notebooks I have on my website to make your own digital planner! This 12-tab free digital notebook is perfect because there is a section per each month of the year calendar. Or, you could use this free 100-section digital notebook which has plenty of space for the entire year plus extra sections.

What Paper Size Do the Calendars Come In?
- Letter size page
- Classic Happy Planner size (print on standard US letter size paper and trim)
But, you can print the letter size printable templates in different sizes to fit into any size planner or bullet journal. Use our directions here for how to resize printables for any planner.
What Page Orientation are the Calendars?
Each separate page comes in portrait orientation. When the two pages are put next to each other side by side, they create a landscape orientation.

Are these Free Calendars Dated or Undated?
The calendars are dated for 2025 and include all 12 months of the year. 2024 is included as well. If you’re looking for next year, it will come sometime the summer of 2025.
Is this a Custom Calendar that you can Edit?
No, this is not an editable calendar. This blank calendar template comes as-is but with multiple options so you can print the one that works best for you.
Do You Prefer a Single Page Design?
Don’t worry, I have single-page calendar in this seasonal design coming soon as well. It’s similar to a school calendar with a single page in landscape orientation. Be on the lookout for them.

Do You Prefer a Simple Calendar Design?
I’ve got a simple calendar included without the designs (as shown above) or you can check out one of my other free calendars.
- Simple Calendar (2-page)
- Cursive Heading Calendar (2-page)
- Simple single page calendar
- Calendars at a Glance
Want More Free Printables?
Once you join the Mom Envy club, you can access to hundreds of free printables. Click here to check out more planner printables or here to check out all of the freebies available.

- Simply click the “Click me to Download” image below to get to the paged where the file is located. You’ll need the members-only password to download the file (subscribe here).
- My favorite paper for planner pages and inserts is this paper.
- For stickers, print on repositionable sticker paper or standard sticker paper
- I know, ink can get expensive, so invest the HP Ink Program! You can save SO much money. Click here to learn more and use my referral and earn 1 free month! Not sure if it’s the right program for you? Click here to see if the HP Ink Program is worth it.
- What to try out digital planning? My favorite digital planning app is GoodNotes.
Have a differently sized planner or a traveler’s notebook? No worries! You can print the letter size calendar for any size planner. You can read the full directions on how to resize planner printables here (including videos).
Tips for Downloading the Free Files
Below is an arrow that says Download Below. Underneath that is a large image that says Click to Download the free files.
Once you click that, you will enter the members-only password and click submit.
The page will reload the same image and now when you click the image that says Click to Download the free files, it will open the Google Drive folder containing the free files.
How do you get a members-only password?
You can sign up here to be a free Mom Envy club member.
The password will be sent to you within a few minutes. Make sure to check your spam and/or junk folder if you don’t see it.
Already a member but forgot the password? Don’t sign up again. Look at the end of any newsletter from me for the free password or just send me an e-mail here: [email protected]

Copyright MOM ENVY 2023. Files may be used for personal use only. No commercial use of the file is available. Files may not be directly shared within Facebook groups, on websites, or in any other way. If using for educational purposes, the file may be printed and copied for classroom use. A link to the web page to download the files may be shared as well as one photo. The file may not be printed and then sold (including local yard sale sites and groups or at local craft fairs). The images may not be used in any way other than to share with a link to the original web page.

Tuesday 3rd of September 2024
Are you going to do one for 2025? I'm printing my planner for the school year so I need half 2024 and half 2025... or do you have them blank with no dates? Thanks! :) Much appreciate these calendars and used one last year that I loved! :)
Wednesday 18th of September 2024
it's up now! :)
Monday 23rd of October 2023
I look forward to this one every year!! It gets more beautiful every year!! Thank you so much!